Storm Preparation and Safety

Preparing for storms

Proper preparation will help you weather any storm. If bad weather is approaching your area, ensure the safety of your family and your property by taking these safety measures before, during, and after a storm.

Man pulling up his hood in the rain

Experiencing a power outage?

Report a power outage online or text OUTAGE to 743674 (RIEMSG).

Report outage

  • Secure your property. Cover windows and move equipment/furniture to a secured area.
  • Charge up. Charge your cell phone, laptop, and other devices.
  • Turn the refrigerator and freezer to their coldest settings. This will keep food fresh longer in the event of a power outage.
  • Make sure your home is secure. Check that it’s safe, shuttered, and can withstand damage from floods and hurricanes. Explore our extreme weather safety page for more tips.
  • Turn off and unplug unnecessary appliances. To avoid overloading circuits when power is restored, disconnect any appliances that start automatically.
  • Using your own generator? If you have a generator, or if you want to purchase one, review our gas equipment and appliance safety recommendations.

Find information to help How to Prepare for and Respond to Power Outages (pdf).

Person in yellow rain boots walking in a flood

Extreme weather safety

Stay safe in extreme weather conditions, such as flooding or hurricanes.

Worker restoring power after storm.

Power restoration

Once safe conditions are established, our crews begin restorations. Please keep in mind that it may take a while for your power to return.