Energy Saving Tips

Lower your bills with our energy-saving tips

We understand that energy costs impact your bottom line, so we've created a simple guide to help you save money while being mindful of the environment. Our easy-to-follow advice can help make your home more energy-efficient while reducing energy costs.

woman changing the settings on smart thermostat


  • Replace outdated lighting with ENERGY STAR® certified lights, which last up to 25% longer and use up to 90% less electricity than older incandescent bulbs
  • Turn off lights, appliances, TVs, audio devices, and computers when not in use
  • Make use of natural light sources during daytime hours with blinds and skylights
  • Turn your lights off during the day
  • Use dimmer switches to save energy and change the mood in a room


  • Unplug the electronics you aren’t using
  • Don’t leave chargers plugged in if they’re not charging your devices — they’re still using energy
  • Use smart power strips to reduce the amount of energy your electronics use
  • Adjust your TV’s display settings to significantly reduce its power use without compromising picture quality


  • Only run full loads in the dishwasher and dryer, and don’t forget to clean the lint filter after each use
  • Flick the switch on the side of your fan, which reverses the blades to spin clockwise and pushes hot air into your home
  • Set your refrigerator’s temperature to 38°F
  • Minimize the number of times you open the fridge and freezer during the day
  • Use a toaster oven instead of a traditional oven to reheat or cook small meals


  • Lower your water heater setting to 120°F to save energy and prevent scalding
  • Revisit your thermostat settings to make sure they’re changing with the weather
  • Turn down the heat supply in rooms you visit less frequently to reduce your energy usage

Water heating and conservation

  • Use less water if possible
  • Repair minor leaks to save gallons of water each month
  • Install water-saving faucets and low-flow showerheads. Find rebates on efficient models in our marketplace
  • Set a maximum water heater temperature of 120° Fahrenheit
  • Upgrade your water heater to a high-efficiency model with an Energy Factor of .67 or greater (.82 or greater for larger systems)

Appliance recycling program

Rhode Island Energy can help you dispose of unwanted appliances, such as dehumidifiers, refrigerators, and freezers.

Check out our marketplace

Get exclusive discounts on energy saving products for your home and take advantage of rebates on qualifying water heaters.