Frequently Asked Bill Questions

You ask, we answer

Look to this one-stop resource for answers to the most common inquiries we receive about bills, rates, and terms. You can also find tips for avoiding scams and staying secure.

Woman raising her hand to ask a question.

Account security questions

Is it safe to give out my Rhode Island Energy account number?

Your Rhode Island Energy account number is confidential and should never be shared with strangers — even if they say they’re Rhode Island Energy employees. 

Unethical companies have been known to scam customers into giving up their Rhode Island Energy account information and use it to enroll you into services you don’t want.

Why did someone come to my house and ask for my Rhode Island Energy bill?

If someone comes to your house claiming to be from Rhode Island Energy, check for their ID — all Rhode Island Energy employees will have a Rhode Island Energy badge. Never share your Rhode Island Energy bill with strangers.

If this happens to you, please contact us right away.

What should I do if a Rhode Island Energy number calls me and threatens to disconnect my service unless I provide my account number?

All Rhode Island Energy representatives will already have your account number, so you will never need to provide it. Report suspected scams immediately.

Bill variation questions

Why is my bill so high, even when I haven’t done anything different?

There are several reasons your bill may spike, especially during the holidays:

  • Environmental factors. When the nights are longer and colder, we tend to spend more time indoors, leading to lights being turned on earlier and for longer periods of time.
  • Household size. A larger household size leads to an increase in lighting and heating up rooms, extra cooking, and extra showering, all of which increase energy usage.
  • Appliances and electronics. If you’ve recently bought new appliances or started using new electronics, you may be using more energy than normal just by charging or powering it.
  • Holiday lights. Holiday lighting, especially around Halloween, Christmas, and the New Year, uses more energy.

Manage your bill variations to stay ahead of bill changes and eliminate any surprises in your monthly bill.

How does a budget plan work?

Our Budget Billing program eliminates the highs and lows from your bill and puts control back in your hands.

We look at your electricity usage over the past year to figure out an average for your budget amount. If you’ve been living in your home for less than 6 months, call us and mention "budget billing" so we can set up the plan for you. Once you’re signed up, your budget amount may change every 3 months to remain consistent with the amount of energy you use.

Who is eligible for budget billing?

Residential and small business customers can enroll in budget billing. If you’re working through a payment agreement for a past due balance, you’re also eligible. However, some account types are not eligible for budget billing.

Ineligible accounts include:

  • Commercial accounts
  • Accounts with an active, pending active, or pending stop budget plan
  • Inactive accounts
  • OnTrack accounts
  • Summary Billing accounts
  • Area Lighting accounts
  • Accounts with an open PUC Formal, Informal, or Mediation suspend charge
  • Accounts with no active electric service
  • Accounts where the caller is not an editable relationship
  • Additional restrictions:

  • Not eligible if there is less than 6 months of usage at the premise or if the budget amount is less than $100 for electric heat or less than $50 for non-electric heat
  • If you have additional questions or need further assistance, contact our customer service at 1-800-342-5775.

    How do you settle the difference between energy use and the amount I was billed?

    After a year of budget billing, we’ll reconcile the difference between what you paid and the amount of energy you actually used. If you used less energy, you'll receive a credit for the difference. If you used more energy, you'll be charged for the additional amount. If the amount owed is significant, we offer the option to pay it over time.