woman screwing in a lightbulb

Rebates and Savings Programs

Helping you save

Neighbors like you are saving energy, money, and time in communities across the Ocean State.

Here are all the energy savings programs available to you.

smiling woman looking at mobile phone
Inspector inspecting mounted air pump

Electric heating and cooling

Discover ways to improve your energy use and save money on heating and cooling for your home.

Find electric heating and cooling rebates
Mother and daughter sitting together reading a book

Natural gas heating

Lower your bill and your ecological footprint with space-saving gas heating equipment.

View rebates for natural gas heating equipment
Woman washing dishes

Gas and electric water heating

Boost energy efficiency and save on your monthly payments with gas water heating equipment.

Explore rebates on high-efficiency water heaters
Woman looking at pastries in the oven

Appliance and electronics incentives

Find ways to save on appliances, products, and more.

View appliance and electronics incentives
Close-up on a controller at a smart home


Connected devices can reduce your electric use during periods of high energy demand.

Review ConnectedSolutions incentive programs
Man installing insulation to the outside of a home

Insulation and air-sealing

Installing proper insulation and air-sealing helps you save money all year round.

Save on insulation and air-sealing installation
A big light bulb in the shopping cart.

Check out our marketplace

Get exclusive discounts on energy saving products for your home.

Visit marketplace
Old fridges and freezers awaiting pickup on the side of the road.

Appliance recycling program

Rhode Island Energy can help you dispose of unwanted appliances such as dehumidifiers, refrigerators, and freezers.

Learn more about appliance recycling

Energy-efficient ways to save money for your business

Learn about sustainable, energy-efficient savings opportunities for your business that benefit the environment and put money back in your pocket.

Find savings for your business