
Make your devices work smarter with ConnectedSolutions

Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, you can enroll your devices in ConnectedSolutions to reduce costs and electricity use during periods of high energy demand. 

From Wi-Fi thermostats to energy storage, Rhode Island Energy makes it easy to cut down on electricity use. 

Close-up on a controller at a smart home

How it works

It's important to limit energy usage on hot summer days when the grid is stressed. Reducing energy use at these times lowers energy costs and decreases pollution. 

Rhode Island Energy makes it easy to conserve energy at these peak times through a portfolio of solutions, including Wi-Fi thermostats and energy storage systems. 

ConnectedSolutions programs

Smart home tech thermostat to adjust temperature, cool air conditioning or heating


Enroll your smart thermostat in ConnectedSolutions to earn incentives for reducing energy use at peak times.

 closeup electric vehicle plugged in with EV charger device

Electric vehicles and EV chargers

Enroll your electric vehicle (EV) or charger in ConnectedSolutions to earn incentives and discover how they benefit you and the grid.

Home battery storage system


Enroll the inverter that controls your battery in ConnectedSolutions to use your battery to reduce energy usage and reduce air pollution. 

If you have questions about ConnectedSolutions, please email
