To: All Rules Book Holders
Enclosed are copies of revised Reference Drawing CRS-1009 and new Reference Drawing CRS-1014. Both of these drawings are effective as of August 1, 1997.
CRS-1009 shows the requirements for trenching and backfilling by the customer for 120/240 volt underground service laterals in a non-joint electric/gas trench installation. Major changes include:
- Addition of flexible pipe of a twin wall construction with a smooth inside wall and corrugated outside wall as an option to Schedule 40 PVC conduit.
- Size of twin wall pipe or Schedule 40 PVC conduit to match service lateral conduit. This eliminates need for transition joints by customer.
- Phasing out of 4 inch flexible pipe option by June 30, 1998.
- Addition of pages showing details of installation at service pole or service stub marker end for both PVC conduit and flexible pipe.
CRS-1014 shows the requirements for trenching and backfilling by the customer for 120/240 volt underground service laterals in a joint electric/gas trench installation. Requirements include:
- 45 inch deep trench.
- 36 inch elbow sweeps.
- Backfill is stone screenings or sand installed from the bottom of the trench to a level above the gas facilities.
- Customer supplies and installs either Schedule 40 PVC conduit (UL approved) or flexible plastic pipe of a twin wall construction from meter service lateral to riser pole or service stub marker at property line.
- Customer installs pulling line and end seals conduit or pipe.
- Conduit or pipe same size as meter service lateral.
- Customer coordinates job between various utilities.
- Conduit or pipe must be pullable. If PPL can not pull in its conductors, customer must make conduit system pullable or pay PPL to make system useable.
REMSI sketches will be updated at next revision to reflect these changes.
R. A. Kapo
Chairman - Committee on Rules for Electric Meter & Service Installations