Rhode Island Energy is here to help during times of financial uncertainty. Our energy savings programs can help you and your family benefit from a healthier, more comfortable, and affordable home. If you qualify, there's no cost to you.
You may qualify for the Income-Eligible Home Energy Assessment if you're enrolled in a Rhode Island Energy discount rate code, or if your pre-tax household income and household size align with our income guidelines.
Income guidelines
Number of household members | Annual household income | Monthly household income |
1 person | ≤ $32,265 |
≤ $2,689 |
2 people | ≤ $42,193 |
≤ $3,516 |
3 people | ≤ $52,120 | ≤ $4,343 |
4 people | ≤ $62,048 | ≤ $5,171 |
5 people | ≤ $71,976 | ≤ $5,998 |
6 people | ≤ $81,903 | ≤ $6,825 |
7 people | ≤ $83,765 | ≤ $6,980 |
8 people | ≤ $85,626 | ≤ $7,136 |
9 people | ≤ $87,488 | ≤ $7,291 |
10 people | ≤ $89,349 | ≤ $7,446 |
The Income-Eligible Home Energy Assessment is designed for income-eligible Rhode Island one- to four-unit homes. If you live in a building with five or more units in which at least half of the residents meet income eligibility requirements, you may be eligible to be served by our Multifamily Properties Program.
An Energy Specialist will visit your home to provide an assessment and recommend a personalized energy efficiency plan.
Receive no-cost, energy efficient products such as faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads to help you save money and reduce energy usage.
To schedule your Home Energy Assessment, contact our program expert at 401-351-1800.