Proposing Non-Wires Solutions

Soliciting non-wires solutions

To identify potential non-wires solutions, Rhode Island Energy issues requests for proposals (RFPs) open to all non-wires approaches. We encourage bidders to consider the following approaches when developing proposals:

A group of professionals discussing renewable energy projects with models of solar panels and wind turbines on the table

Choose the best approach for your proposal

  • Standard solution approach
    Solutions that include a single non-wires technology (e.g., battery energy storage) or strategy (e.g., energy efficiency or demand response) in a single bid proposal.

  • Portfolio solution approach
    Solutions that combine multiple technologies and/or strategies (e.g., solar and storage, targeted demand response, and wind) in a holistic, integrated manner as part of a single bid proposal.

  • Partial solution approach
    Partial solutions that provide a portion of the solution requirements may be considered if Rhode Island Energy can identify other partners to formulate a full solution.

  • Partnership solution approach
    A solution where bidders team up to offer a multifaceted, multi-bidder solution using multiple technologies as a joint, integrated proposal, providing the best-value proposition.

Combined proposals for cost-effective grid solutions

Rhode Island Energy may integrate multiple proposals offering partial solutions to meet the system need or optimization. Alternatively, bidders can collaborate to submit a combined proposal of several partial solutions that together meet the full need.

Rhode Island Energy seeks existing solutions to resolve the stated system needs or optimization rather than new or unproven technologies. The technology readiness of each proposed non-wires solution will be considered in our evaluation of the reliability of each proposal.