Frequent Questions About Automated Meter Reading

Learn about automated meter reading

Find out how automated meter reading (AMR) works, its benefits, and how it ensures accurate meter data. Get answers to common questions about this technology.

Side view of smart electric meters on building facade

Automated meter reading questions

Who has AMR installed?

Most homes and some businesses now have AMR meters.

Is AMR available for both electric and gas meters?

Yes, AMR is available for both electric and gas meters in areas we serve.

Will Rhode Island Energy need access to the meters with AMR installed?

While we no longer need meter access for regular billing purposes, we still need access for inspections that are required by law. We also require access to replace aging devices, or to turn your service on or off in response to any suspected problems.

Will you return my keys now that AMR is in place?

We prefer to keep your keys in case we need to:

  • Perform required inspections
  • Replace meters regularly
  • Turn your service on or off
  • Check for meter problems

If you require your keys back at any time, please contact us and we will return them.

Are there health hazards or safety issues associated with AMR?

No, there are not. The AMR equipment uses very low-level radio waves, similar to those already around us. It meets all state and federal safety standards.

Will the AMR radio frequencies affect any of my other equipment?

No, it does not. AMR operates on a low-power frequency reserved for this purpose and won't interfere with other equipment.

Can I still call in or report my meter reading on the website?

We automatically read your meter each month, so you don't need to report it for regular billing. However, your reading may be helpful for service connections, disconnections, or billing concerns.

Will estimated meter readings ever be used again after AMR is installed?

We might use estimates for connecting or disconnecting service. Rare occasions like severe weather or equipment failures may also require estimated readings.