Advanced Meters

What to expect

In the fall of 2024, Rhode Island Energy began the phased installation of advanced meter network equipment.  At the same time we also began meter checks of our current equipment. The installation of new electric meters will begin in early 2025 and continue through 2026.

An Asian woman in a yellow t-shirt and light jeans sitting cross-legged on a carpet in a living room while looking at a tablet device. A small brown and white terrier is leaning on her, also looking at the tablet.
Electrical meter icon

What is an advanced meter?

An advanced meter is a device that allows for two-way communication between the electric meter and our systems. The advanced meter transmits usage and status information directly to us.

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Understanding your energy use

Advanced meters provide more control and options for managing your energy consumption. With the new interactive customer portal powered by your advanced meter, you can gain insights into your energy usage and take steps to control your monthly bills.

Meter replacement project installation map

Check out this interactive map to see where new advanced meters are being installed across our service areas. Just click on your area to see what’s happening near you and when.

Explore the map

What to expect with an advanced meter

Man laying on a grey couch looking at a tablet


Experience faster outage detection and response without having to call us, along with the ability to make remote service connections for move-ins and move-outs, and enjoy improved troubleshooting with fewer field visits.

Black hands typing on a backlit laptop keyboard


Our online advanced meter portal will connect you with your energy usage and offers customized recommendations to save energy. Once your advanced meter is installed, you’ll have access to detailed energy data, helping you understand your consumption patterns at home or in your business.

Black woman looking at a piece of paper with a pair of glasses in her hand


Knowledge is power. Timely detailed energy data and personalized recommendations give you control over your monthly bills, helping you use less energy and potentially save money.

What is the process for installing new meters?

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1: Mail notification

Customers receive two postcards before installations begin in their neighborhood.

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2: Phone notification

Customers receive an automated phone call 1-2 days before installation.

Two tools making an X shape

3: Installation field visit

A technician visits the customer to install advanced meter.

Door hanger icon

4: Successful installation

A door hanger is left to let the customer know the installation is complete.

Fall 2024 through 2025—Existing meter check

Taking a staggered approach across the state, we started checking existing meters in Westerly in the fall of 2024 and will end in and around Burrillville by late 2025. The information gathered is used to update our records and make the meter exchange process more efficient. You’ll receive a letter a month in advance to let you know when we will be in your area. If our meter is inside, the letter will contain contact details so you can schedule an appointment with one of our technicians to get access inside to view the meter.

Early 2025 through 2026—The installation of your new AMF meter

Early in 2025 is when we begin the actual meter replacement process starting in Westerly and progressing across the state, with plans to finish the project in and around Burrillville by fall 2026. You will receive at least two letters stating that we will be in your area, and we will provide information on how you can schedule an appointment with our service technician if our meter is inside.

On the day of the meter exchange, the technician will knock on your door and will be wearing a Rhode Island Energy badge and driving a vehicle identified as a Rhode Island Energy authorized contractor. If someone answers, the technician will explain the work about to be done and will access the meter to complete the work in about 15 minutes or less. During this time, there will be a short interruption to the electric service. If there is nobody home when the technician shows up and the meter is indoors, the technician will reschedule your appointment.

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