Charts, magnifying glass and calculator on table.

Help Reading Your Bill

Your Rhode Island Energy bill

We want to make it easier than ever to read and understand your Rhode Island Energy electric and gas bills. Our sample bill provides detailed information about each section of your monthly statements.

Woman looking at her tablet with a paper bill in her hand.

Bill amount and due date

This section tells you the total amount you owe on each bill and the due date of your payment.
Your current charge may change based on the length of your service period. Fluctuating weather and temperatures may also cause a change in your total bill amounts.

Due date

Supply and Last Resort Service

This supply section shows the charge for the energy you use each month.


The Last Resort Service (LRS) is the rate you'll pay if you do not choose a supplier and receive RIE’s default service instead. This service rate changes each April and October for residential customers, and quarterly (January, April, July, October) for commercial and industrial customers. You can compare your current charges to the LRS to ensure you're getting the best rate on your supply.

Electricity supply graphic


This section summarizes your monthly energy usage and the corresponding cost of that energy delivery. This is the amount you pay to Rhode Island Energy every month for the safe, efficient, and reliable delivery of energy to your home.

Electricity delivery graphic

Usage summary

This section is a year-by-year comparison of your energy use to help you identify when your charges peak. Identifying these trends gives you the option to make minor lifestyle adjustments that could save you money.

Usage summary

Monthly plan versus actual charges

In this section, you can track your progress if you’re on a payment plan and if you make consistent monthly payments through a budget billing plan.

Monthly Plan vs. Actual Charges