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Understanding the components of your bill

Unpacking your bill... A clearer breakdown

In an effort to make your bill easier to understand, we updated the way charges are presented starting back in August of last year.  But we understand those changes created some additional questions, and we want to address those. Watch our Bill Transparency Video for a step-by-step guide to reading your bill and understanding which charges Rhode Island Energy has control over-and which ones we don't.

Rhode Island Energy only controls 1/3 of the bill. That covers the cost to deliver power to your home. This also includes a modest regulated return that allows us to raise low-cost capital to fund improvements. Any profits keep RIE viable, allowing us to deliver safe, reliable energy while covering costs, supporting employees and their families in Rhode Island, and enabling investors to fund infrastructure and innovation.

2/3 of the bill is not controlled by RIE factoring supply costs, policy mandates, and taxes.

Bill amount and due date

This section tells you the total amount you owe on each bill and the due date of your payment.
Your current charge may change based on the length of your service period. Fluctuating weather and temperatures may also cause a change in your total bill amounts.

Amount due on bill

The two main charges

Your bill is divided into two main sections: Supply Charges and Delivery Charges. Each section reflects different aspects of how electricity gets to your home.

Estimated bill usage charges breakdown

Expanded bill explanations

Supply and Last Resort charges

The supply section shows the charge for the energy you use each month. This charge is influenced by market prices and your personal usage. If you don't select a third-party electricity supplier, we provide your electricity through Last Resort Service at the lowest available rate, without markup or profit. Your Supply Charge also includes a Renewable Energy Standard cost, mandated by the state to ensure a portion of the electricity comes from renewable sources like wind and solar.

Estimated bill usage charges supply breakdown


The Delivery Charge covers the cost of delivering electricity to your home safely and reliably. This charge is made up of:

  • Customer Charge - A fixed fee covering meter reading, billing, and customer service
  • Transmission Charge - The cost of moving electricity from power plants to our distribution system
  • Distribution Energy Charge – The cost of delivering electricity from our distribution system to your home

Estimated bill usage charges delivery breakdown

Mandated Costs are also part of your Delivery Charge

Public policy charges are required by state law and fund programs that benefit low-income customers and support renewable energy efforts. These include:

  • Renewable Energy Growth & Distribution Charges - Support for wind and solar energy through programs like Net Metering and long-term renewable energy contracts
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Funding to assist eligible customers with their energy costs
  • Energy Efficiency Programs Charge - Provides rebates and incentives to help customers save energy and reduce their bills
  • Taxes - State taxes are included in your bill as required by law.
While these charges are listed in the Delivery section of your bill, they are mandated by state law and not controlled by Rhode Island Energy.

Delivery details

Usage summary

Your bill provides a breakdown of how much electricity you used during the billing period. This section helps you track your energy consumption and identify potential ways to save.

Usage summary

Monthly plan versus actual charges

In this section, you can track your progress if you're on a payment plan and if you make consistent monthly payments through a budget billing plan.

Monthly vs actual charges

Have more questions?

For more information, download this helpful guide to understand your bill.