Report Energy Theft Rhode Island Energy
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Report Energy Theft

Energy and Gas Theft: Illegal, Costly and Dangerous

Energy and gas theft is a problem all electric utilities face- and their customers share. It's estimated that energy theft costs utilities billions of dollars annually, and these losses generally are passed along to customers in the form of higher rates.

People who steal electricity, gas or both are often unaware of the risks involved, and they create situations that not only endanger themselves and their property but also violate electrical codes and threaten public safety.

We take a proactive approach to this serious problem and committed to protecting our customers, eliminating theft and reducing related costs.

Our staff of investigators works closely with other utilities as well as local, state and federal enforcement agencies in detecting, investigating and prosecuting anyone found diverting, bypassing or tampering with an electric or gas meter.

If you have information related to electricity or gas theft, you can complete the form below. All information will be kept confidential.

Please note, this form is only for reporting energy theft. Any customer service related inquiries should be handled by contacting customer service.
* indicates required fields
Your Information
Please enter a valid value in the format of 999-999-9999.
Please enter a valid value in the format of 999-999-9999.
Location of Suspected problem
Please upload any images that can help illustrate the situation:
(Only image files are accepted - i.e. jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, etc.)